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To our valued customers:
Beware of counterfeit products trading of the valuable goodwill of the Thaiger Pharma® brand. Like many companies that have expended years and enormous resources in carefully developing brand recognition, Thaiger Pharma products are being unlawfully imitated and sold at inferior quality through unauthorized channels, and usually at drastically reduced prices. These inferior Knockoffs are not easy to detect. Accordingly, these products do not meet Thaiger Pharma Group’s quality standards.
The only way to ensure that you are purchasing genuine Thaiger Pharma products with assurance by Thaiger pharma Group, is to purchase through an authorized retailer. Please report any suspect products to Customer Service at info@thaiger-pharmaceuticals.com or support@thaiger-pharmaceuticals.com.
We intend to vigorously investigate those who manufacture or sell counterfeit Thaiger Pharma® products and take action against counterfeiters as appropriate to protect the value that the Thaiger Pharma® brand has come to represent. If you have any questions concerning this issue, please contact Customer Service. We appreciate your help in maintaining the integrity of the Thaiger pharma brand. Beware of Bulk Packaged Products Sold as New
Thaiger pharma Group never sells old line-packaged products. All new Thaiger pharma brand products are sold in individual, factory-sealed packages. Any product advertised as “genuine” but in “OLD” packaging is either used or counterfeit and should be treated as suspect.